Home | Edit My Account | Order History | View Shopping Cart Listing of Enamels Vintage Enamel Japanese Enamel Milton Bridge Enamel W.G. Ball Enamel Thompson Lead-Free Enamel Lump Enamel Opalescent Enamel Sample Kits Sunshine Painting Enamel W.G. Ball Lead-Free Painting Enamel Hirosawa Painting Enamels Floral Wafers "Ready to Enamel" Jewelry Metal Foils Hand-Spun Copper Forms Copper Shapes Tools/Books/Supplies Decal Paper for Metal Enamels TE Fusion Glass Listing of Enamels > Lump Enamel > TE Lump 425 Flux (tr) (Square) *16 ozs are Available* $0.00 WEIGHT 1 oz (+$8.00) 3017:+:8 Quantity: - + Enamel in square form in pristine condition. Lump form enamel, Thompson Enamel for Copper, Silver, Gold, Iron and Steel. Should be fired at 1450 to 1550 degrees F. All Enamel is pre-1990, and lead bearing. Powered by Rating-System.com